Thursday, October 3, 2013

Out of Town Heroes

Why is the United States Fighting Other People's Wars?
It's a rather simple question, but the answer is always complicated. Why Korea? Why Vietnam? Is America always trying to be the hero or is there a valid reason to us fighting in other countries?
Here are quick and simple answers as to why we've fought in the above stated wars.
Why did the United states get involved in Korea? The Korean War was fought by the United States in order to halt the Communist, power-hungry North Korean's from taking over South Korea and spreading Communism. Also, South Korea is an American ally.
Many people say that the U.S. getting involved in Korea was a mistake because it was expensive and also 33,000 American soldiers were killed. If the U.S. did not get involved in Korea then the entire country would be communist. Because we got involved, to this day, Korea is still North and South Korea. Only North Korea is communist.
Why did the United States fight in Vietnam? The main point of the Vietnam War was to prevent communism from spreading in Southeast Asia. The American leaders were concerned that communist would gain control of Vietnam and from there, other nations. America aided the U.N. in Vietnam so they were not alone in the fight.
There are many viewpoints concerning the Vietnam war, but the main two are that the United States had no business in Vietnam, and should remain peaceful. The opposing side argued that United States has the responsibility to defend those in need to create new peace or in other words, to stop communism. Once again, if the U.S. did not get involved in Vietnam, then the Vietnamese would not have had 15+ years of independence.
Some American's might think that it was a bad idea to get involved in Korea and Vietnam, but it was not. The United States did not get involved just to fight. They got involved to stop the expansion of communism. Our American leaders believe in freedom. In the end, that's what it was about, freedom and the termination of communism.
Do you think that it was a bad idea for the United States to get involved?


  1. I think the US is just looked at as the "go to" country for many situations; the US feels like they are obligated to help a country. The US gets involved in foreign wars when we as a country need to work on our on issues. Yes, we have helped and do help other countries. Should America try to solve issues in other countries though when we are in debt that is deeper than words can describe? I do think it was a bad idea for America to get involved in Vietnam.

  2. I have mixed feelings about this topic actually. Most the time I think that America should let other countries deal with their own problems. I think sometimes we should just help out by giving supplies or food and military advice but sometimes its unnecessary to fight someone else's war. I agree with Candice when she says we are the "go to" country cause we usually win our wars. I think America should be willing to help, but sometimes they need to just let things play out instead of us just jumping in every war.

  3. America doesn't just jump into any and every war. America only gets involved in the wars that effect our allies. Also, most of the time it is America's duty to get involved because of the U.N.

  4. I agree with Candice and Tiffany, we should sometimes let other countries settle there on disputes. I also agree, with we should help with war supplies and food. I do not think we always have to "jump" in every war we feel like we should be in.

  5. I believe that we should help out when we, the U.S., could possibly be affected. We should also try to help in situations where there is mass killings of civilians for no reason. That is the right thing to do. We can't just turn a blind eye and not help innocent people. That's not America. We are looked at as the "go to" country for help because we are willing to help in most cases. However, in some cases I do think we should work on some of our own problems before getting involved in other countries.
